Dr. Joyce Lee


Associate CMO for Pediatric Research at University of Michigan Medicine

“Design and designers inspire me- particularly how you use it to solve health problems.”

Read Dr. Joyce’s full profile below

What do you do every day?
I meet with collaborators, I get to work with medical students, fellows, junior faculty members. Academia allows you to have the flexibility to pursue your ideas.

Why do you love it?
I love the academic freedom to say "I’' have studied this, but now I'm interested in this other thing" and in academia, you can! There's no bottom line mandate. As a scholar you can pursue what you're interested in studying.

What were your moments of fear and challenges in your career?
I think it's really easy to underestimate yourself, especially as a woman. Particularly during periods like tenure- that's a huge place of self doubt- and I'm happy to be on the other side- but that is a challenging time period.

What are some of the latest innovations in science that you are most excited about?
I'm excited about patient centered design and new approaches to adherence. Social media is incredibly transformative, and I can't wait to see what it does for academic medicine. It's a really cool way to look at the patient experience.

Where did you grow up?
Chicago, Illinois. My dad and my sister are both pediatricians!

Tell us about your personal style.
Appearances matter!

Is there a current book or book you love?
I like self-improvement websites- the Do Lectures, or 99 You.

What is your favorite website or fun activity?
Downton Abbey!

Who inspires you?
Design and designers inspire me- particularly how you use it to solve health problems. Jessica Hische is an incredible designer that I enjoy following- and her philosophy around failure being part of the process is really important for us to understand.

What’s next for you?
Post- tenure, I want to have more public impact with my work....this is where patient centered design fascinates me! I want to actually improve the lives of the people we work with through participatory design.

Joseph Gaspero

Joseph Gaspero is the CEO and Co-Founder of CHI. He is a healthcare executive, strategist, and researcher. He co-founded CHI in 2009 to be an independent, objective, and interdisciplinary research and education institute for healthcare. Joseph leads CHI’s research and education initiatives focusing on including patient-driven healthcare, patient engagement, clinical trials, drug pricing, and other pressing healthcare issues. He sets and executes CHI’s strategy, devises marketing tactics, leads fundraising efforts, and manages CHI’s Management team. Joseph is passionate and committed to making healthcare and our world a better place. His leadership stems from a wide array of experiences, including founding and operating several non-profit and for-profit organizations, serving in the U.S. Air Force in support of 2 foreign wars, and deriving expertise from time spent in industries such as healthcare, financial services, and marketing. Joseph’s skills include strategy, management, entrepreneurship, healthcare, clinical trials, diversity & inclusion, life sciences, research, marketing, and finance. He has lived in six countries, traveled to over 30 more, and speaks 3 languages, all which help him view business strategy through the prism of a global, interconnected 21st century. Joseph has a B.S. in Finance from the University of Illinois at Chicago. When he’s not immersed in his work at CHI, he spends his time snowboarding backcountry, skydiving, mountain biking, volunteering, engaging in MMA, and rock climbing.


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