Nelli Lähteenmäki Sager
Director, Chronic Care at BeeHealthy
“Passionate people who find and follow passion even if their passion is baking dog biscuits. Find a path and follow it through.”
Read Nelli’s full profile below
What do you do every day?
I'm an entrepreneur at health company developing a mobile app with health inspiring games. I also work with the biggest healthcare provider in Finland.
Why do you love it?
It's an adventure. I have a sense of purpose everyday bringing health to health care. It's a big mission, but purposeful.
What were your moments of fear and challenges in your career?
When I was looking for a start up, I wanted to find a cofounder. This was the catalyst for my moment of fear. Thing started off and pivoted along the away. Things got erased and we were forced to make some painful changes.
What are some of the latest innovations in science that you are most excited about?
I hope research behavior changes science. People change behavior all the time. That's the biggest challenge. The cost of human genome sequences is constantly changing, but in 10+ years we'll begin understanding genomes more.
Where did you grow up?
Helsinki, Finland. I also spent a year in France in the Alps.
Who was your favorite teacher and why?
One of my Finish teachers taught me trust in self, would allow me to write any kind of essays and she would support me throughout.
What is your unique talent?
I love meeting new people and learning. I quickly make new friends, and make close friends.
Is there a current book or book you love?
Jane McGonical: Realities Broken. I learned about games and why people play them.
What is your favorite website or fun activity?
Rock Band--I was a lead singer, background vocalist and I played keyboard. I play in clubs. I also enjoy Old American Idol but I haven't had a TV in 10 yrs.
Who inspires you?
Passionate people who find and follow passion even if their passion is baking dog biscuits. Find a path and follow it through.